Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Kaboogie Shows Us Her Booth

Given I have been writing about craft show booths Kaboogie (a wonderful seller on Etsy) was kind enough to send in some of her pictures. Even though she has only done 2 craft shows her booth looks fab! I believe Kaboogie can teach us all a lot on how to make your booth really shine, and how best to feature Boogie shoes and Mocs.

You can find Kaboogie at . Here are some pictures of her wonderfully displayed items at a craft show!

If you get a chance stop by Kaboogie's shop because she has ADORABLE little shoeseys for kids! This pair is one of my favorites.


kaboogie said...

Holy COW Holly!! Thanks so much for the nod, I know I can make a better booth with experience, but I think all those years at design school have payed off! Now, to sell some shoes lol....

jenscloset said...

Hi Holly! Your blog is adorable!! I will add you to my list too!!