Sunday, March 08, 2009

I'm doing some Random Surveys Please take my Polls!

Yes, I'm bored, so I'm doing little sociological experiments. Please take my poll! It's 100% anonymous so please be honest! Thanks

When I'm done w/ all my random polls I will write a really awesome article haha.


Zemphira ~ Scatter Art. said...

If you voted only "pretend to" stay away from my computer!!! SICK! ;)

J-Mi said...

From my work experience so many people don't even flush the public toilet, I wouldn't be surprised if more people didn't wash than did.

pleasurearts said...

I even feel like dragging people who didn't to come back and wash their hands!

Anonymous said...

Super gross for the people who said they pretend too! Jmi- I know it was you. :-D

Holly! said...

Awww I love secret information. Its so fun!